

On the universality of rights through their metaphors

M. Mannoni

The quest for the universality of rights has been the focus of many scholarly debates in the ‘West’. When ‘universality’ refers to ‘rights’, it can mean various things, including a universal foundation for rights despite the differences between languages and cultures across the world. In recent years, the study of metaphor has started garnering attention in legal language studies. Some metaphors in different tongues have a common bodily foundation that prevails over the countless differences in the peoples around the world. Do rights metaphors in different languages reveal a universal ...

Étudier la néologie et la terminologie du tourisme grâce aux corpus numériques : le projet NEOTUR

G. L. Tallarico

Cette contribution se situe dans le cadre du projet NEOTUR, développé au sein du Projet d’Excellence “Le Digital Humanities applicate alle lingue e letterature straniere (2018-2022)” du Département des langues et littératures étrangères de l’Université de Vérone2 . Le projet NEOTUR vise à étudier la néologie et la terminologie dans le domaine du tourisme en s’appuyant sur un corpus spécialisé, que nous allons illustrer en détail plus bas. Parmi les buts du projet figurent le repérage et l’analyse des néologismes et des termes du domaine, le suivi de leur évolution d’un point de vue ...

La néologie dans le domaine du tourisme, entre langue générale et langue de spécialité

G. L. Tallarico

In spite of its multidisciplinarity, tourism can be considered as a specialized field as it owns a peculiar terminology. In this paper, we analyse the vocabulary of tourism from both a terminological and a neological point of view, based on a specialised corpus realised at the University of Verona. Among the different word-formation processes, compounds formed by « tourisme + ADJ » prove to be a productive syntactic pattern and justify the interest of an incremental model. For several reasons, neologisms coined from this pattern are not always catachrestic innovations. On the borderline ...


Corpus y estudio diacrónico del discurso especializado en español

M. De Beni, D. Hourani-Martín

El interés por los corpus de corte diacrónico se ha asentado en estos últimos años en el ámbito iberorrománico, como demuestran encuentros científicos e iniciativas editoriales. Este libro tiene como objetivo confeso recoger trabajos dedicados al empleo de corpus como herramientas para el análisis del léxico especializado en español con una perspectiva diacrónica.

Léxico de especialidad, diacronía y corpus: introducción

M. De Beni, D. Hourani-Martín

Este capítulo se introduce el volumen coral «Corpus y estudio diacrónico del discurso especializado en español»

Textos comerciales de Cuba y Colombia del siglo XIX en el corpus DIACOM: estudio de casos de variación terminológica

D. Hourani Martin, E. Sartor

Este trabajo se basa en el corpus DIACOM, un corpus bilingüe (francés-español) de textos del comercio que se está compilando en el ámbito del proyecto “Patrimonio linguistico-culturale e Digital Humanities” (PALC-DH), llevado a cabo en el Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Verona (Italia). El estudio que presentamos es la primera investigación terminológica llevada a cabo en el subcorpus español y se centra en el primer período (1850-1914) de los tres cortes temporales que vertebran DIACOM. En concreto, forman parte del corpus analizado textos ...

Explicit song lyrics detection with subword-enriched word embeddings

M. Rospocher

In this paper, we investigate the problem of automatically detecting explicit song lyrics, i.e., determining if the lyrics of a given song could be offensive or unsuitable for children. The problem can be framed as a binary classification task, and in this work we propose to tackle it with the FASTTEXT classifier, an efficient linear classification model leveraging a peculiar distributional text representation that, by exploiting subword information in building the embeddings of the words, enables to cope with words not seen at training time. We assess the performance of the FASTTEXT ...

On the forms and thorns of linguistic indeterminacy in Chinese law

M. Mannoni

This study addresses the different types and implications of linguistic indeterminacy in Chinese law. It firstly draws on the studies of scholars of different disciplines, such as linguistics and philosophy of language, to provide a taxonomy of indeterminacy in language. It then provides examples of each type, highlighting the implications in law and legal interpretation. It uses linguistic data from various texts, such as statutory laws and judgements, and analyses them with various methods, including discourse analysis and corpus linguistics. This study argues that when the language of ...

El uso del corpus DIACOM para la enseñanza de terminología comercial: aplicaciones y posibilidades

D. Hourani Martín

El objetivo del trabajo es proponer ejemplos de explotación del corpus DIACOM que puedan ser aprovechados con estudiantes de terminología comercial en español con un nivel B2/C1.

La terminología comercial a través de la fraseología: estudio de caso a partir de un corpus de especialidad

D. Hourani-Martín

En el trabajo nos proponemos mostrar el potencial que tiene el análisis de la fraseología para comprender el desarrollo de la terminología en el ámbito comercial. Lo ilustraremos con un estudio de caso del verbo fraseológico "comercializar".

Rights Metaphors Across Hybrid Legal Languages, Such as Euro English and Legal Chinese

M. Mannoni

This paper focuses on two legal languages such as the legal English developed by the European Union institutions (Euro English) and the legal Chinese of Mainland China, to study whether the mental representations and the embodied simulation created by the conceptual metaphors for the same Western concept, RIGHT, differ in any significant ways. By analysing the data contained in two large corpora, this study has found that, despite the common origin of the concept RIGHT in the two legal languages, they conceptualise it in a significantly different fashion. Finally, the findings of this ...

News discourse and the dissemination of knowledge and perspective: From print and monomodal to digital and multisemiotic

R. Facchinetti

The paper focuses on the changes undergone by news discourse towards its current multisemiotic, digital nature. It is divided into three main sections; in the first one I will focus on how multimodal/multisemiotic developments have been gradually entrenched in news reporting, from 17th-century woodblock engravings in the early news texts to contemporary convergent journalism, with special reference to the increasing interconnection between verbal output and visuals. Secondly, I will illustrate the shift in topics and methodologies undergone by studies on news discourse particularly over ...

Automatic detection of procedural knowledge in robotic-assisted surgical texts

M. Bombieri, M. Rospocher, D. Dall'alba, P. Fiorini

Purpose The automatic extraction of knowledge about intervention execution from surgical manuals would be of the utmost importance to develop expert surgical systems and assistants. In this work we assess the feasibility of automatically identifying the sentences of a surgical intervention text containing procedural information, a subtask of the broader goal of extracting intervention workflows from surgical manuals. Methods We frame the problem as a binary classification task. We first introduce a new public dataset of 1958 sentences from robotic surgery texts, manually annotated as ...

Automatically evaluating the quality of textual descriptions in cultural heritage records

M. Lorenzini, M. Rospocher, S. Tonelli

Metadata are fundamental for the indexing, browsing and retrieval of cultural heritage resources in repositories, digital libraries and catalogues. In order to be effectively exploited, metadata information has to meet some quality standards, typically defined in the collection usage guidelines. As manually checking the quality of metadata in a repository may not be affordable, especially in large collections, in this paper we specifically address the problem of automatically assessing the quality of metadata, focusing in particular on textual descriptions of cultural heritage items. We ...

DIACOM-FR, une base de données terminologiques de type diachronique

P. Frassi

Nous proposons une méthodologie terminographique pour la réalisation de DIACOM-fr, base de données terminologiques de type diachronique concernant le domaine du commerce international. Après avoir présenté le projet DIACOM- fr, nous proposons une démarche visant la valorisation des propriétés diachroniques des termes, au sein des autres propriétés syntactico-sémantiques, pour qu’elles puissent être correctement représentées dans une base de type réseau terminologique.

News Discourse

R. Facchinetti

In this chapter I illustrate the gradual changes undergone by news discourse towards its current multisemiotic and unmediated nature, whereby (a) the ‘news piece’ has given way to the ‘news package’ and (b) mainstream journalism has come to terms with citizen journalism. Then I focus on the shift in topics and methodologies undergone by studies on news discourse over the last twenty years, providing a case study..

Los corpus especializados en la lingüística aplicada: traducción y enseñanza

E. Sartor

En este volumen se pretende ofrecer una muestra de las que, en la actualidad, son las líneas de investigación más destacadas y avanzadas acerca de la compilación o la explotación de corpus especializados en distintos ámbitos, como el comercio, el sector agroalimentario o la medicina, con un enfoque aplicado dirigido hacia la traducción y la didáctica del español como L2. Por ello, se ha intentado dar voz a investigadores jóvenes y consolidados que trabajan en este marco aplicando una pluralidad de enfoques metodológicos y herramientas de gestión y análisis de corpus. Los capítulos que ...

VinKo (Varieties in Contact) Corpus

S. Rabanus, A. Tomaselli, A. Padovan, A. Kruijt, B. Alber, P. Cordin, R. Zamparelli, B. M. Vogt

VInKo is a spoken corpus based on crowd-sourced audio recordings that has been designed to provide relevant linguistic information about the minority languages and dialects spoken in the area between Innsbruck and the Po Valley. The corpus contains audio recordings from local languages and varieties spoken in the regions Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia, with particular focus on the so-called 'language contact' between Germanic (Cimbrian, Mòcheno, Tyrolean, Saurano) and Romance (Ladin, Trentino and Veneto dialects). The data collection took place from June ...

Pointing in Science: An Analysis of Body and Linguistic Deixis in Nobel Lectures with PowerPoint Slides.

S. Cavalieri

Within the last decades, PowerPoint has become a technology and a medium of communication that has contributed to a profound transformation of lecturing and presenting information in academia. However, until recently PowerPoint slideshows have received only limited attention in the fields of discourse analysis and social semiotic research (Djonov and Van Leeuwen 2011; 2012; 2013; Zhao, Djonov and Van Leeuwen 2014). Only a few studies have focused on the design of slideshows (e.g., Campagna 2009; Finn 2010; Rowley-Jolivet 2004) in relation to conference presentations (Degano 2012; Diani ...

Socio-Political Context and the Press in Early 20th Century China: A Case Study

R. Facchinetti

In the present paper I delve into the relations between the Shanghai Municipal Council and The North China Daily News, to investigate how firm the grip of Western powers was on the newspaper and hence to what extent the Council managed to ‘dictate’ the editorial line of The North China Daily News. To do so, I will focus on an event that has left a strong mark on Chinese history: the ‘May Thirtieth Incident, 1925’, which involved Chinese protesters and the local police of the Shanghai Settlement. The Incident sparked international condemnation and further increased nationwide discontent and ...

On assessing metadata completeness in digital cultural heritage repositories

M. Lorenzini, M. Rospocher, S. Tonelli

Metadata allows access to a wide variety of cultural heritage resources made available through repositories, digital libraries, and catalogues. Usually taking the form of a structured set of descriptive elements, metadata assist in the identification, location, processing, tracking, preserving, sharing, and retrieval of information, while facilitating content and access management. However, low metadata quality, such as the lack of mandatory information, incorrect information, or inconsistency, is still an open issue in many repositories. In this article, we present our ongoing work aiming ...

El corpus OccOr: una herramienta para el estudio léxico de textos en español sobre China (1850-1939)

M. De Beni, E. Sartor

El objeto del presente artículo es presentar las características de diseño del corpus OccOr, una herramienta que se está llevando a cabo en el Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Verona (Italia) en el marco de un proyecto ministerial dedicado al desarrollo de las humanidades digitales aplicadas a los ámbitos lingüístico-filológicos. OccOr recoge textos en español y en francés, redactados de 1850 a 1939 y dedicados a Lejano Oriente, con especial referencia a China. En el trabajo, que se centra en los documentos en lengua española, se exponen algunas de las ...

Lingüística aplicada a la traducción y la enseñanza: los corpus especializados en la investigación actual

E. Sartor

Esta contribución ofrece una muestra de algunas de las líneas de investigación más destacadas y avanzadas acerca de la compilación o la explotación de corpus especializados en distintos ámbitos, como el comercio, el sector agroalimentario o la medicina, con un enfoque aplicado dirigido hacia la traducción y la didáctica del español como lengua extranjera.


Didattica della letteratura e Informatica Umanistica/Humanidades Digitales,

A. Bognolo

Tavola rotonda AISPI: bilancio sull’attività di docenti universitari del macrosettore di Lingue, letterature e culture ispaniche, con riferimento all’informatica umanistica

À propos des emprunts néologiques en français: émergence, intégration et aspects socio-pragmatiques

G. L. Tallarico

Dans cette contribution, nous nous proposons de mener une étude de cas de quelques néologismes issus de la plateforme Néoveille, à partir des interrogations suivantes: Comment tracer la frontière entre xénisme et emprunt? Comment peut-on mesurer l'intégration socio-pragmatique des emprunts? Quels facteurs peuvent contribuer à l'émergence et à la diffusion d'un néologisme?

On Visual-Textual-Knowledge Entity Linking

S. Dost, L. Serafini, M. Rospocher, L. Ballan, A. Sperduti

A picture is worth a thousand words, the adage reads. However, pictures cannot replace words in terms of their ability to efficiently convey clear (mostly) unambiguous and concise knowledge. Images and text, indeed, reveal different and complementary information that, if combined, result in more information than the sum of that contained in the single media. The combination of visual and textual information can be obtained by linking the entities mentioned in the text with those shown in the pictures. To further integrate this with agent background knowledge, an additional step is ...

VTKEL: A Resource for Visual-Textual-Knowledge Entity Linking

S. Dost, L. Serafini, M. Rospocher, L. Ballan, A. Sperduti

To understand the content of a document containing both text and pictures, an artificial agent needs to jointly recognize the entities shown in the pictures and mentioned in the text, and to link them to its background knowledge. This is a complex task, that we call Visual-Textual-Knowledge Entity Linking (VTKEL), which aims at linking visual and textual entity mentions to the corresponding entity (or a newly created one) of the agent knowledge base. Solving the VTKEL task opens a wide range of opportunities for improving semantic visual interpretation. For instance, given the ...

Representación de la fraseología del español en herramientas digitales

M. De Beni

La eclosión de la informática y su aplicación a las humanidades redundan en la realización de herramientas digitales dedicadas, entre otros niveles de análisis lingüístico, al léxico. Dentro de dicho ámbito, el interés está aquí puesto concretamente en la fraseología y la fraseografía del español y en su presencia y representación tanto en corpus como en diccionarios electrónicos. Precisamente la lexicografía práctica, aunque puede sin duda aprovechar los recursos del medio electrónico, ha quedado sacudida por los avances técnicos y se encuentra ahora en una fase de crisis, que se podrá ...

El discurso especializado del comercio en español: diseño de un corpus para su estudio diacrónico

M. De Beni, D. Hourani Martín

El objeto del presente artículo es exponer las características de diseño del corpus DIACOM, una herramienta para el estudio del léxico especializado del comercio en español y francés que se está llevando a cabo en el Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Verona (Italia) en el marco de un proyecto ministerial dedicado al desarrollo de las humanidades digitales aplicadas a los ámbitos lingüístico-filológicos. Se hará hincapié en las cuestiones de diseño del subcorpus español, sobre todo en aquellas que resultan especialmente problemáticas a la hora de ...

Representación de la fraseología en herramientas digitales: problemas, avances, propuestas

M. De Beni

La eclosión de la informática y su aplicación a las humanidades redundan en la realización de herramientas digitales dedicadas, entre otros niveles de análisis lingüístico, al léxico. Dentro de dicho ámbito, el volumen monográfico Representación de la fraseología en herramientas digitales: problemas, avances, propuestas reúne trabajos consagrados a la fraseología y la fraseografía del español y a su presencia y representación tanto en corpus como en diccionarios electrónicos.

"Right-wing populism and the representation of immigrants on social media: a critical multimodal analysis"

M. I. Lorenzetti

This paper presents a multimodal critical discourse analysis of a sample from a larger corpus of multimodal posts about immigration from the social media pages of right-wing populist leaders Donald Trump and Matteo Salvini. Drawing on Van Leeuwen’s framework for the representation of social actors, we investigate how multimodal resources contribute to shaping immigration discourse and to its bias, highlighting exclusionary ideologies through the recontextualisation of social practices. Our analysis reveals how the strategic synergy of images, videos, slogan-like language and the social ...

Special Section of Iperstoria "Populism and Its Languages"

M. Demata, M. I. Lorenzetti

Taking its cue from the crucial role of language in populist communication, this special section of Iperstoriaon “Populism and Its Languages” aims at exploring the various discursive dimensions of populist leaders and parties, mostlytaking place in the digital environment. This special section opens with a paper by Massimiliano Demata, Michelangelo Conoscenti,and Yannis Stavrakakis on the construction of the concepts of populism and anti-populism and their metaphorical realisations in the British press in 2016, the year of the Brexit referendumand Trump’s victory, a ...

Recensione: Mancinelli, Tiziana, e Elena Pierazzo. 2020. Che cos’è un’edizione scientifica digitale. Roma: Carocci

A. Cappellotto

Il contributo offre la recensione del volume Mancinelli, Tiziana, e Elena Pierazzo. 2020. Che cos’è un’edizione scientifica digitale. Roma: Carocci (Bussole).

Fouille de textes et repérage d’unités phraséologiques

P. Frassi, S. Calvi, J. Humbley

Nous nous proposons de démontrer que les entités linguistiques de type locution et collocation, qui représentent deux types différents de phrasèmes, existent en langue de spécialité et qu’elles y sont particulièrement récurrentes. Pour ce faire, nous nous appuyons sur les données issues d’une extraction pilote à partir d’un sous-corpus concernant le domaine du marketing provenant d’un plus grand corpus en voie de constitution au Département des Langues de l’Université de Vérone. Les données quantitatives seront ensuite passées au peigne fin de l’analyse qualitative qui nous permettra ...

A Corpus-Based Approach to the Translation of Conceptual Metaphors in Legal Language: Chinese Yuān (冤) and English ‘Injustice’, ‘Wrong’ and ‘Tort'

M. Mannoni

Yuān (冤) is a Chinese word literally meaning ‘bent’ which translates into English as ‘injustice’, ‘wrong’ and ‘tort’. It realises various conceptual metaphors in Chinese, such as YU N IS BENT, YU N IS DIRTY, and YU N IS DARK. How does the English translation change these conceptual metaphors and their reception by target text readers? This study takes a Descriptive Translation Studies approach to answer this question. First, it introduces the methods of retrieving and analysing linguistic data, such as corpus search, and the principle of Cognitive Equivalence. Second, it shows the ...

Jointly Linking Visual and Textual Entity Mentions with Background Knowledge

S. Dost, L. Serafini, M. Rospocher, L. Ballan, A. Sperduti

“A picture is worth a thousand words”, the adage reads. However, pictures cannot replace words in terms of their ability to efficiently convey clear (mostly) unambiguous and concise knowledge. Images and text, indeed, reveal different and complementary information that, if combined, result in more information than the sum of that contained in the single media. The combination of visual and textual information can be obtained through linking the entities mentioned in the text with those shown in the pictures. To further integrate this with agent background knowledge, an additional step is ...

VT-LINKER: Visual-Textual-Knowledge Entity Linker

S. Dost, L. Serafini, M. Rospocher, L. Ballan, A. Sperduti

“A picture is worth a thousand words”, the adage reads. However, pictures cannot replace words in terms of their ability to efficiently convey clear (mostly) unambiguous and concise knowledge. Images and text, indeed, reveal different and complementary information that, if combined, result in more information than the sum of that contained in the single media. The combination of visual and textual information can be obtained by linking the entities mentioned in the text with those shown in the pictures. To further integrate this with agent background knowledge, an additional step is ...

"Anti-immigration rhetoric in Italy and in the USA: A comparative perspective"

M. I. Lorenzetti

By employing a discourse-analytic perspective, and drawing on both Van Dijk’s socio-cognitive model and Lakoff’s framing theory, this paper presents a comparative analysis of the anti-immigration rhetorical strategies of two influential contemporary right-wing populist leaders, American President Donald Trump and League leader Matteo Salvini. Concentrating on the lexical level and on the rhetorical devices in both their speeches and social media posts, our analysis highlights remarkably similar ideas and strategies that suggest the idea of right-wing populist coordination across a globe. ...

Metafore di giustizia e ingiustizia nella semiosfera cinese

M. Mannoni

Mediante quali metafore cognitive sono conosciute e comunicate la giustizia e l’ingiustizia in Cina? Ricorrendo all’utilizzo di due banche di dati linguistici (corpora), questo articolo adduce una prospettiva linguistica sui due concetti in esame, mettendo in luce alcune similitudini e differenze essenziali tra la concettualizzazione nella semiosfera occidentale e in quella cinese.

Knowledge-driven joint posterior revision of named entity classification and linking

M. Rospocher, F. Corcoglioniti

In this work we address the problem of extracting quality entity knowledge from natural language text, an important task for the automatic construction of knowledge graphs from unstructured content. More in details, we investigate the benefit of performing a joint posterior revision, driven by ontological background knowledge, of the annotations resulting from natural language processing (NLP) entity analyses such as named entity recognition and classification (NERC) and entity linking (EL). The revision is performed via a probabilistic model, called jpark, that given the candidate ...

Proposta per una valutazione automatica della completeness dei metadati nel contesto delle biblioteche digitali

M. Lorenzini, M. Rospocher, S. Tonelli

Grazie all’utilizzo dei metadati è possibile accedere ad un vasto numero di risorse rese disponibili attraverso archivi e biblioteche digitali. Normalmente i metadati sono strutturati secondo uno schema standardizzato e garantiscono l’interoperabilità e l’identificazione di un oggetto digitale facilitando l’accesso a determinati tipi di risorse. Tuttavia, una bassa qualità dei metadati e delle informazioni che questi rendono disponibili, come ad esempio la mancanza di alcuni elementi rispetto allo schema di metadati utilizzato rappresenta tutt’ora un problema comune a molti repositories. ...

L’enseignement des notions métaterminologiques en français L2 : un parcours fondé sur les corpus spécialisés

M. F. Bonadonna

Dans cet article, nous mettons en lumière la relation fructueuse qui peut s’instaurer entre enseignement des notions méta-terminologiques et corpus spécialisé dans un contexte de formation universitaire. Après avoir passé en revue les notions de base qui animent le domaine de la méta-terminologie, nous présentons le projet DIACOM, visant, entre autres, la construction d’un corpus dans le domaine commercial. Notre objectif est d’élaborer un parcours didactique progressif et raisonné de ces notions fondé sur l’exploitation de ce corpus, avec une attention particulière à la langue française ...

La force des locutions faibles en domaine de spécialité

P. Frassi

Notre réflexion se concentre sur des notions métaterminologiques concernant la dénomination de realia à travers des unités multilexémiques dans les domaines spécialisés : plus dans le détail, nous nous attachons à repérer des types divers de locutions faibles. Leur typisation n’est pas anodine et servira pour l’uniformisation des classements d’entités lexicales de type locution faible dans le cadre de la terminologie et dans l’objectif d’une harmonisation métaterminologique, fortement souhaitable dans la pratique de la médiation linguistique.Pour ce faire nous allons procéder en plusieurs ...

Le vocabulaire du tourisme, un laboratoire expérimental des procédés néologiques

G. L. Tallarico

The vocabulary of tourism has not been studied in depth until recently. In this paper we try to fill this gap, by focussing on French neologisms attested in this field. Our research, based on Timestamped JSI web corpus (2014–2019), shows that word formation largely stems from binomial appositions, thus following the model of terminology. A comparatively small number of words consist on translations from English, since French tourism is deeply rooted in national culture.


On the Meaning of Feifa Quanyi in Chinese Legal Language: A Semiotic and Corpus Analysis

M. Mannoni, D. Cao

‘Illegal rights’ is an oxymoron in many European languages, including English. A new term feifa quanyi (illegal rights and interests) has appeared in recent times and is now being used increasingly in court decisions and litigation in China. In this study we use a semiotic and corpus-based approach to examine the Chinese legal texts and court decisions containing the phrase to ascertain the meanings of the phrase. The various implications of the analysis of this unique new legal usage are discussed in terms of the study of Chinese legal language with semiotic and corpus analysis.

Corpus textuales y mapas digitales: un estudio de la circulación de Arte de los metales (1640) de Álvaro Alonso Barba en Europa y América durante la Edad Moderna a través de las humanidades espaciales

E. Sartor

El objetivo de este artículo es el de comprobar las potenciales intersecciones entre las humanidades digitales, concretamente en su giro reciente hacia las humanidades espaciales, y el estudio textual de una obra especializada, con particular atención a los aspectos léxicos. Para un primer acercamiento teórico-práctico a este ámbito de estudio, se ha creado un modelo virtual de la fortuna y circulación de un tratado del siglo XVII, Arte de los metales de Álvaro Alonso Barba, gracias al programa de acceso libre Omeka y de su plug in Neatline. A partir de la representación visual de las ...

Metamorfosi delle Metamorfosi di Ovidio. La traduzione in altotedesco medio di Albrecht von Halberstadt

A. Cappellotto

Studio, edizione e traduzione in italiano dei frammenti che tramandano la prima traduzione in altotedesco medio delle "Metamorfosi" di Ovidio attribuita ad Albrecht von Halberstadt.

Boosting Document Retrieval with Knowledge Extraction and Linked Data

M. Rospocher, F. Corcoglioniti, M. Dragoni

Given a document collection, Document Retrieval is the task of returning the most relevant documents for a specified user query. In this paper, we assess a document retrieval approach exploiting Linked Open Data and Knowledge Extraction techniques. Based on Natural Language Processing methods (e.g., Entity Linking, Frame Detection), knowledge extraction allows disambiguating the semantic content of queries and documents, linking it to established Linked Open Data resources (e.g., DBpedia, YAGO) from which additional semantic terms (entities, types, frames, temporal information) are ...

Die Tiroler Soldaten-Zeitung und ihre Autoren –Eine computergestützte Suche nach Robert Musil

M. Salgaro, S. Rebora, G. Lauer, B. Herrmann

Attribuzione dei testi scritti da Robert Musil nella "Soldatenzeitung"

Albert Ritter, der Ghostwriter in der Redaktion der Tiroler Soldaten-Zeitung – ein biographisches Proil

M. Salgaro

Profilo biografico di Albert Ritter, un autore ora sconosciuto che fu redattore della Soldatenzeitung

PreMOn: LODifing linguistic predicate models

M. Rospocher, F. Corcoglioniti, A. Palmero Aprosio

PreMOn is a freely available linguistic resource for exposing predicate models (PropBank, NomBank, VerbNet, and FrameNet) and mappings between them (e.g., SemLink and the predicate matrix) as linguistic linked open data (LOD). It consists of two components: (1) the PreMOn Ontology, that builds on the OntoLex-Lemon model by the W3C ontology-Lexica community group to enable an homogeneous representation of data from various predicate models and their linking to ontological resources; and, (2) the PreMOn Dataset, a LOD dataset integrating various versions of the aforementioned predicate ...

Formes et fonctions de quelques néologismes "émergents" dans un forum de discussion et leur circulation

S. D. Zollo

Dans cette étude, nous interrogeons les pratiques néologiques observées dans un forum de discussion dont les participants, qui ne sont ni des politiques ni des experts, débattent de sujets sociaux et médiatico-politiques. Après avoir analysé les procédés de création morpholexicale et sémantique des néologismes et leur fonctionnement discursif, nous mesurons leur circulation sur la Toile en nous appuyant sur des corpus contrôlés (Google et ses produits dérivés, Europresse, Néoveille et Logoscope).

Neologica. La néologie à l'ère de l'informatique et de la révolution numérique

S. D. Zollo, J. Altmanova

néologie, numérique, informatique

Computer Assisted Curation of Digital Cultural Heritage Repositories

M. Lorenzini, M. Rospocher, S. Tonelli

The objective of metadata curatorship is to ensure that users can effectively and efficiently access objects of interest from a repository, digital library, catalogue, etc. using well-assigned metadata values aligned with an appropriately chosen schema. However, we are often facing problems related to the low quality of metadata used for the description of digital resources, for example wrong definitions, inconsistencies, or resources with incomplete descriptions. There may be many reasons for that, all completely valid, e.g, in many cases those who host a digital repository have few human ...

A Didactic Sequence for Phrasemes in L2 French

M. F. Bonadonna, S. D. Zollo

This paper deals with vocabulary teaching in French as a foreign lan- guage by focusing on the case of phraseological units. More precisely, it aims to design a didactic sequence for phrasemes within the theoretical framework of Explanatory Combinatorial Lexicology. Our study is based on a corpus-based experience of phraseology teaching conducted in a class of Italian university students learning French as a foreign language. Results indicated that, at the end of the course, students were able to describe the morphosyntactic structure and the use of phraseology in general or specialized ...

Tra Spagna e Italia: per l’edizione digitale del Progetto Mambrino

S. Bazzaco, A. Bognolo

Presentazione degli obiettivi già realizzati e futuri del gruppo di ricerca Progetto Mambrino. Elenco e descrizione delle fasi che condurranno alla creazione di una Biblioteca Digitale del Ciclo di Amadis di Gaula italiano, frutto di traduzioni e continuazioni cinquecentesche del famoso genere castigliano dei libros de caballerías

Proyecto Mambrino

S. Neri

Proyecto Mambrino: datos del proyecto, breve historia y estado de la cuestión.

Curatela di Historias Fingidas 7 (2019

A. Bognolo

Curatela del vol. 7 (2019) di Historias Fingidas

Presentazione, Historias Fingidas 7 (2019)

A. Bognolo

Presentazione del numero 2019 di Historias Fingidas


"Cinquante nuances de board": anglicismes néologiques et équivalents autochtones dans le domaine des sports de glisse

G. L. Tallarico

Our paper starts by providing a brief report on the connections between sports, terminology and loanwords in contemporary French, highlighting the role of anglicisms and the important work carried out by the Commission spécialisée de terminologie et de néologie des sports. Our study deals with a sample of about 50 official terms from boardsports, which we illustrate through the semantic relations that these terms have. After having analysed the presence of loanwords and of their French equivalents in some contemporary dictionaries, both general and specialized, we try to measure the ...

Détection automatique, description linguistique et suivi des néologismes en corpus : point d'étape sur les tendances du français contemporain

E. Cartier, J. F. Sablayrolles, N. Boutmgharine, J. Humbley, M. Bertocci, C. Jacquet-Pfau, N. Kübler, G. L. Tallarico

L'objet du présent article est de faire un point d'étape sur unprojet de recherche, Néoveille, commencé en 2015 et visantà confectionner une plateforme pour détecter automatiquement, décrire linguistiquement et suivre le cycle de vie des néologismes en corpus dynamique contemporain, en sept langues. Nous nous concentrons ici sur les résultats obtenus sur le français. Nous introduisons tout d'abord quelques jalons théoriques permettant de situer le phénomène néologique. Ensuite, nous présentons la plateforme web qui a été construiteet qui offre aux linguistes un outil pour la détection ...

Reti di libri, libri in rete. Libros de caballerías tra Italia e Spagna

A. Bognolo

I libros de caballerías crearono una rete internazionale di lettori appassionati, come Teresa d’Avila, l’Imperatore Carlo V, i mietitori del Chisciotte. Le reti della produzione e commercio del libro mettevano in rapporto editori, mecenati, librai, tipografi, e traduttori, che tessevano relazioni tra Italia e Spagna. Il Progetto Mambrino studia queste relazioni e mette le informazioni in Rete a disposizione degli studiosi. Censisce i romanzi di matrice spagnola del Rinascimento italiano, registra gli esemplari di ogni edizione localizzati in tutto il mondo. Sono state digitalizzate le ...

Measuring the “Critical Distance”. A Corpus-Based Analysis of Italian Book Reviews

M. Salgaro, S. Rebora

n this paper, we present a project that aims at testing, questioning, and eventually reshaping the most recent models of reading experience . After a brief survey of the theoretical debate, that shows the ne cessity of updating Eco’s proposal in light of the latest developments in neuroscience and cognitive studies, we describe an experiment carried out with the LIWC software on a corpus of Italian book reviews. The analysis was focused on the possible contras t/coherence of the cognitive, emotional, and physical aspects of reading experience. We divided the ...

Robert Musil, a war journal, and stylometry: Tackling the issue of short texts in authorship attribution

S. Rebora, B. Herrmann, G. J. Lauer, M. Salgaro

During World War I (WWI), between 1916 and 1917, Robert Musil was the chief editor of the Tiroler Soldaten-Zeitung in Bozen. This activity probably also involved authorship of articles and has posed a philological problem to scholars, who have not been able to attribute with certainty a range of relatively short texts to Musil. With this article, we present a new approach that combines philological research with stylometric methods. Exploration of WWI archives and digitization of historical documents were paired with application of authorship attribution techniques, following extensive ...

Is “Late Style” measurable? A stylometric analysis of Johann Wolfgang Goethe’s, Robert Musil’s, and Franz Kafka’s late works

S. Rebora, M. Salgaro

Since the studies of Adorno, Broch, and Benn, the “late” condition of artistic creation has always been described in terms of an evident stylistic fracture. However, recent theorizations tend to evaluate it as nothing but “a critical and ideological construct” (McMullan, Smiles). With our contribution, we will test these theorizations with the computational methods of stylometry, that are generally used for authorship attribution and distant reading, and that proved to be very sensitive to the temporal component. By using the Kolimo corpus and the Stylo software, we will perform a series ...

"A cross-linguistic study of new populist language"

M. I. Lorenzetti

This paper presents an analysis of the rhetorical strategies of some European and American politicians associated with the inherently ambiguous concept of populism. The theoretical framework adopted combines text linguistics and critical discourse analysis and has an interdisciplinary character. The data analysed demonstrate that populist rhetorical strategies do not differ markedly from those typically employed in political rhetoric. While each populist politician evokes a specific identity narrative to create common ground with the electorate, they all emphasise a profound dualism in ...


M. Salgaro

Digital Humanities (DH) offers contemporary literary criticism, as well as other fields, a unique and constantly expandable set of “big data” (digital libraries and collections, for example) that can be investigated through statistical analysis. This paper presents three case studies of computational analysis of “Late Style,” “authorship attribution,” and “literary movement.” This analysis represents an attempt to demonstrate that the quantitative approaches of DH allow the “operationalization” of concepts in literary theory—that is, their translation from a theoretical level to an ...


P. Cordin, S. Rabanus, B. Alber, A. Mattei, J. Casalicchio, A. Tomaselli, E. Bidese, A. Padovan

VinKo (Varieties in Contact/Varietäten im Kontakt/Varietà in contatto) è una piattaforma per la raccolta di dati orali di lingue non standard mediante crowdsourcing.

Digital Philology: : New Thoughts on Old Questions

B. Thomas, M. Buzzoni, C. Luca, A. Cappellotto, M. A. Cipolla, C. Barbara, M. Paolo, T. Paolo

This collection gathers the essays by eight scholars from disparate areas of textual criticism, addressing a general main topic, that is philology and digital humanities, and dealing with old and new-Lachmannian approaches, anti-Lachmannian responses, treatments of varia lectio, stemmatology, qualitative and quantitative methods of textual inquiry, and the establishment of standards for digital scholarly editions. The investigated data sets comprise canonical ancient traditions (Paolo Monella), Byzantine scriptural Greek (Barbara Crostini), the dawn of vernacular literacy, with Old Saxon ...

Intractable Cases and Digital Hopes: How New Media Can Help with Interpreting Multi-Version Vernacular Texts

M. A. Cipolla

The dawn of Middle High German literary Überlieferung is characterized by a relatively limited making of vernacular books, and by extremely mov- able texts (as each survived manuscript often represents the testis unicus of an autonomous Fassung). Despite the valid argu- ments raised by neo-Lachmann- ian scholars and some undoubt- able weakness in the so-called ‘new-philological’ mode, in the eld of vernacular traditions an überlieferungskritisch approach has proved to be more recommendable: the editions of such texts, traditionally renounced any reconstructive attempt; editors, ...

Editing the Alexanderlied

M. A. Cipolla

The internal relations within the recensio of the multiversion Alexanderlied (each of the three witnesses representing an autonomous Fassung), like those of similar early vernacular documents, is a tough problem to textual criticism and to the understanding of the involved cultural phenomena. This is the reason why the scholarship of German medieval literacy displayed an inborn aptitude for “new”, material approaches. This paper reassesses the ecdotic issues posited by the varia lectio of the Alexanderlied’s manuscripts (which is difficult to be classi fied and evaluated with ...

El Progetto Mambrino y las tecnologías OCR: estado de la cuestión

S. Bazzaco

En el presente artículo se tratan los últimos resultados obtenidos por parte del Progetto Mambrino con las recientes tecnologías OCR. Se indican al respecto los resultados obtenidos con ABBY FineReader y Transkribus y se valoran las posibilidades de estas dos plataformas en relación con el corpus caballeresco italiano.

Digital Scholarly Editing and Text Reconstruction: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Approaches

A. Cappellotto

Digital scholarly editing is a relatively new field within philology and textual criticism, where several issues are still under discussion. A major concern is which perspective on the text is more favoured by the digital and why. While some scholars claim that the creation of a critical text is an activity still worth pursuing, now as in the past, others believe that digital editing has shifted the philological focus from text reconstruction to a documentary approach. The analysis will focus on two edition projects of German literary texts dating back to the Middle Ages, with specific ...


Short Texts in Authorship Attribution. The Case of Robert Musil’s War Articles

B. Herrmann, G. Lauer, S. Rebora, M. Salgaro

Stylometric analysis and authorship attribution on the "Journal of the Soldier" edited by Robert Musil.

Repérage et analyse de quelques néologismes dans la terminologie des énergies renouvelables

M. F. Bonadonna

Cet article vise à identifier et à décrire quelques néologismes de la terminologie des énergies renouvelables dans l’axe temporel 1990-2016

La ricerca recente sul romanzo cavalleresco spagnolo

A. Bognolo

Stato della questione sugli studi sul romanzo cavalleresco spagnolo del Rinascimento


Editing and Translating Snorra Edda: Some Observations on the Editorial History of Snorri’s Ars Poetica

M. A. Cipolla

The paper represents a survey of the editorial history of Snorra Edda, a seminal work for the interpretation of the Scandinavian past, which exists in a number of manuscript versions characterised by a high degree of variation. This variance within the textual tradition of the work strongly affects the overall understanding of Snorri’s text. The structure of the individual witnesses of the work have proved to be particularly resistant to adaptation to the requirements of the modern printed book and the codification of literary genres. Cipolla explores the ways in which Snorra Edda has been ...

Studies in the Transmission and Reception of Old Norse Literature: The Hyperborean Muse in European Culture

M. A. Cipolla, J. Quinn

The compelling world of the Vikings and their descendants, preserved in the sagas, poetry, and mythology of medieval Iceland, has been an important source of inspiration to artists and writers across Europe, as well as to scholars devoted to editing and interpreting the manuscript texts. A variety of creative ventures have been born of the processes of imagining this distant ‘hyperborean’ world. The essays in this volume, by scholars from Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany, and the UK, examine the scholarly and artistic reception of a variety of Old Norse texts from the beginnings of ...

Crafting an effective message for the masses, or the art of populism: An Analysis of new populist rhetoric from a textual perspective

M. I. Lorenzetti

Populism is an ambiguous term in political science referring at the same time to demagogy and demophily (Mazzoleni 2004) that ultimately entails putting into question the institutional order by constructing an underdog as a historical agent in opposition to the way things stand in society. This paper investigates the language of populism from a contrastive perspective, based on a corpus of American and Italian election campaign speeches between 2009 and 2016. The approach adopted is interdisciplinary, encompassing the historical, social, textual (De Beaugrande and Dressler 1981) and ...

Minority languages in language contact situations: three case studies on language change

A. Padovan, A. Tomaselli, M. Bergstra, N. Corver, R. Etxepare, S. Dold

The phenomena described in this paper ideally represent the convergence of two apparently distant fields in linguistics, namely language contact and grammatical change. Taking into account minority languages in contact with standard languages, we will show that contact itself can actually play a role in affecting the speed of ongoing changes in both the “stronger” and the “weaker” language. The intuitive idea that syntactic structures per se can be borrowed from neighboring languages will be proved false – or too coarse – as only in rare cases do grammatical phenomena manifest themselves ...

L’educazione di Tristano: «Omnia que discis non aufert fur neque piscis»

M. A. Cipolla

L'articolo esamina la miniatura e l'apparato di didascalie al capitolo dell'educazione nel 'Tristan' di Gottfried von Strassburg, nel testimone Cgm 51 di Monaco

The Creation of Alexanderlied and the Authors’ Use of Sources. The Apollonius Sequence

M. A. Cipolla

This paper aims at scrutinising the ties between the twelfth-cen- tury German poems on Alexander the Great and contemporary chronicles from the Levant by Fulcher of Chartres and William of Tyre. The key is the Apollonius allusion at the end of the Tyre episode in Lambrecht’s Alexan- derlied, which opens a window on the manifold literary models involved in the creation of the Early Middle High German text. In the Tyre sequence, Alexanderlied diverges from the Pseudo-Callisthenes and Julius Valerius tradition and, according to its Old French relatives (namely, the different versions of the ...

The Script of Vorauer Alexander - Some Remarks

M. A. Cipolla

Along with the Kaiserchronik and other minor texts, the Vorauer Handschrift (the most prominent poetic miscellany of Early Middle High German book production), contains an epic on Alexander the Great. This Austrian poem has been aknowledged as a version of Lambrecht’s Alexanderlied (also transmitted in the Straßburger and Basler Handschrift). Historical and literary details have traditionally been matched to determine the poem’s birthplace(s) – conjecturally posited in the Middle Rhine, in Cologne or Trier – and Mundartforschung has been employed to validate philological hypotheses. The ...

“Progetto Mambrino: metodologie e prospettive di un’edizione digitale”

S. Bazzaco

Poster che illustra le fasi di realizzazione di un progetto di edizione digitale di un copioso numero di romanzi cavallereschi italiani curato dal “Progetto Mambrino”,.

Early printed edition and OCR techniques: what is the state-of-art? Strategies to be developed from the working-progress Mambrino project work

T. Mancinelli

Some thoughts of a work-in-progress digital edition project. Limits and advantages of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) techniques. The use of Transkribus.


Progetto Mambrino. Resultados y perspectivas

A. Bognolo, S. Neri

Presentazione dei risultati e prospettive del Progetto Mambrino dell'Univeristà di Verona, che si occupa della ricezione italiana del romanzo cavalleresco spagnolo del Cinquecento

Gli amanti nella selva. Herr Tristrant - BSB Cgm 51

M. A. Cipolla

L’esilio degli amanti nella foresta rappresenta un episodio costante e opaco nel corpus tristaniano medievale (esito della tensione tra istanze secolari e norma clericale, dove la poesia volgare si regge sulla retorica latina e tracce di oralità folclorica affiorano nella scrittura erudita). Le opere che rappresentano il ‘Romanzo di Tristano’, spesso lacunosamente conservate, talora divergono per variazioni minime ma contestualmente significative (sulle quali è possibile testare stile, temi e ideologia). La coerenza tematica e la completezza narrativa dell’opera autoriale non corrispondono ...


Pfaffe Lambrecht, Alexanderlied. Infanzia, Tiro, morte di Dario (Alessandro di Vorau), Edizione, traduzione e commento

M. A. Cipolla

Si pubblicano qui l’edizione e la prima versione italiana dell’Alexanderlied, dal manoscritto di Vorau. Il poemetto, ricondotto attraverso il pfaffe Lambrecht a un modello francese pressoché perduto, include la parte iniziale delle avventure di Alessandro (secondo il canone stabilito dal romanzo ellenistico dello “pseudo Callistene”) e si conclude con l’uccisione di Dario (qui raccontata secondo una versione originale). Le imprese più temerarie dell’eroe – dopo la nascita portentosa, l’incontro con Bucefalo e i primi successi militari in Grecia – sono collocate in Terra Santa, e ...

Repertorio delle continuazioni italiane ai romanzi cavallereschi spagnoli. Ciclo di Amadis di Gaula

A. Bognolo, G. Cara, S. Neri

Repertorio delle continuazioni italiane al ciclo di Amadis di Gaula con studio introduttivo, censimento bibliografico, sommari, indice dei personaggi. Di Anna Bognolo le parti seguenti: Premessa pp. 11-24Introduzione: Cap. 1 - Mambrino Roseo da Fabriano: vita provvisoria di uno scrittore pp. 25-76Cap. 4 - Il ciclo italiano di Amadis di Gaula pp. 149-161Repertorio: Cap. 1 - Sommari pp. 261-270.Di Giovanni Cara le parti seguenti: Repertorio: Cap. 1 - Sommari pp. 271-380.Di Stefano Neri le parti seguenti: Introduzione: Cap. 2 - Libros de caballerias pp. 77-84Cap. 3 - Il romanzo cavalleresco ...

Hystoria de Alexandro Magno (Vorauer Alexander) Studi sulla costituzione del testo

M. A. Cipolla

La monografia esamina la costituzione dell'Alexanderlied di Vorau, in relazione allo sviluppo parallelo del Roman d'Alexandre antico-francese e alla progressiva definizione dei generi narrativi tedeschi (dall'epica biblica al 'romanzo' cortese), con particolare attenzione al contesto del libro manoscritto in cui il poema è incluso. L'analisi del testo (in un dettagliato commento ad loca che considera l'intera tradizione diretta e indiretta) ha evidenziato nuove relazioni interne alla recensio (coincidenze con la redazione di Basilea contro quella di Strasburgo) e significative interferenze ...


A Curated Database for Linguistic Research: The Test Case of Cimbrian Varieties

A. Mariastella, B. Alber, N. Giorgio Maria Di, D. Marco, S. Rabanus, A. Tomaselli

In this paper we present the definition of a conceptual approach for the information space entailed by a multidisciplinary and collaborative project, “Cimbrian as a test case for synchronic and diachronic language variation”, which provides linguists with a test bed for formal hypotheses concerning human language. Aims of the project are to collect, digitize and tag linguistic data from the German variety of Cimbrian - spoken in three areas of northern Italy: Giazza (VR), Luserna (TN), and Roana (VI) - and to make available on-line a valuable and innovative linguistic resource for the ...

Progetto Mambrino, Ciclo italiano di "Amadis di Gaula". Collezione della Biblioteca Civica di Verona, Verona, QUIEDIT, 2012.

A. Bognolo

Edizione digitale in CD ROM in alta definizione della Collezione di libri di Amadis tradotti in italiano nel XVI secolo posseduti dalla Biblioteca Civica di Verona


A Digital Library of Grammatical Resources for European Dialects

A. Mariastella, B. Alber, N. Giorgio Maria Di, D. Marco, P. Diego, S. Rabanus, A. Tomaselli

The paper illustrates the methodology at the basis of the design of a digital library system that enables the management of linguistic resources of curated dialect data. Since dialects are rarely recognized as official languages, first of all linguists need a dedicated information management system providing the unambiguous identification of each dialect on the basis of geographical, administrative and geolinguistic parameters. Secondly, the information management system has to be designed to allow users to search the occurrences of a specific grammatical structure (e.g. a relative clause ...


Cimbrian as a Test Case for Synchronic and Diachronic Language Variation: a Conceptual Approach for the Information Space

A. Mariastella, B. Alber, N. Giorgio Maria Di, D. Marco, S. Rabanus, A. Tomaselli

In this paper we present the effort made to define a conceptual approach for the information space entailed by a multidisciplinary and collaborative project, named “Cimbrian as a test case for synchronic and diachronic language variation”, which provides linguists with a test bed for formal hypotheses concerning human language. Aims of the project are to collect, digitize and tag linguistic data from the German variety of Cimbrian - spoken in three relevant areas of northern Italy: Giazza (VR), Luserna (TN), and Roana (VI) - and to make available on-line a valuable and innovative ...