a) How to cite SnECB

There are two citations for this project. If you wish to cite the data only, please adapt the following according to your preferred referencing style:
Cipolla, M.A. (2012-), Snorra Edda. A Collaborative Bibliography.
If you wish to cite the web application as a whole, please adapt the following:

Cipolla M.A., Cappellotto A., Peratello P. (2022-), Snorra Edda. A Collaborative Bibliography. The Web application, https://test-01.dlls.univr.it/teipublisher-snecb/apps/snecb/index.html

a) Copyright

The data and code constituting this project are published under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike International 4.0 License (CC-BY-SA 4.0). This means that you are free to reuse all contents as long as you make your copies or adaptations available under the same license.